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Read about the latest innovations across Kent County Council and beyond.

Find out who we are, how we research, what we do, as well as our award winning project.

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Are you experienced?

PublicExperience is a great way to put your own experiences of public services and suggestions for how to improve them in front of the UK Innovators Council. We are independent of government, but all the experiences we receive are sent to our partners in the Cabinet Office.

The Council has promised to pick up and run with the best ideas and implement changes based on your feedback.
We ask a simple, open question: Wouldn't it be better if...?

You don't need to know who to talk to - just what you want to say about anything that relates to public services.
It's easy and free to use – just go to PublicExperience and describe your experience of public services in the big box on the front page.

Emily Randall, Public Experience

If you want to find out more about what we're thinking about and looking at around how we can capture and work with people's ideas, see here. Contact us if you have an idea.

Thanks to PublicExperience for the photo of a panda explaining to a gorilla and a tiger how to share their experiences of public services.

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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent