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What do we mean?

While traditional games aim to entertain, serious gaming focuses on learning in its widest sense, whether that’s for simulation, training or marketing.

Why are we researching this?

The ideas delivered through our current ways of working are less likely to
create genuine change , the contradictions in people’s demands and the
impact of the recession are more likely to disrupt the way we work than we are
used to.

How are we going to research this?

We want to explore how we can use serious gaming techniques to simulate
scenarios and innovations that can enable the Council to influence change and
cohesion. We will also engage with those groups working in this area, such as
MediaTree and KADU.

What are we going to research?

We will research how gaming can be used to influence people’s behaviour,
help develop skills, support personal development, anticipate potential
scenarios and market virally. We will build on practice within KCC like schools,
care centres & country parks and in Kent like simulation to support learning
and ward walks, as well as UCA, Kent and Greenwich.

What does the analysis show us?

As well as young people, they are now popular too with women, families and
older people. Although it has a less profound impact on disadvantaged groups,
gaming tends to benefit a wider range of them. Can be integrated with other
tools and content, can be used as platforms and excel at involving users to
refine the games themselves. Through agile techniques, developers can
design games much cheaper than virtual worlds.

What do we want to achieve?

We want to work out how we can improve ways of working for staff and
engaging the public, whether through simulation, scenario planning or other
gaming techniques.

How can you be involved?

If you are researchers/consultants , we would like to explore how we could
capture together how gaming techniques & concepts can achieve specific
purposes with pilot group of staff or citizens.

If you are innovators working in this high growth sector , we would like to
explore how we could pilot your tools with a group of staff or citizens on a
particular issue or simulate gaming tools with online technologies used in KCC.

If you are organisations in sectors who have used these tools, we would like
to share the learning and explore opportunities for collaboration.
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